Vol. 12 No. 2 (2024): March

ISSN Online : 2395-6518

Rajni Dwivedi for Maya Global Education Society

About Journal

Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews [eISSN 2395-6518] is a double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access, research journal. HSSR aims to publish interdisciplinary research with a primary focus on original research or reviews in various disciplines of humanities and social sciences. 

Indexed In



Call for Book Reviews

April 9, 2024

A book review provides valuable insights and critical evaluation of a book, helping readers make informed decisions about what to read and offering authors feedback on their work. It serves as a guide, sparking discussions, expanding knowledge, and fostering a vibrant literary community.

We are delighted to extend an invitation to you to contribute a book review within the aim and scope of the journal.

Article Withdrawl

May 1, 2023


MGES acquired GIAP

August 25, 2021

Gyandhara International Academic Publications (GIAP Journals) has been completely acquired by Maya Global Education Society (MGES)


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Editorial Flow of a Manuscript 

Each manuscript passes through the following reviews and corrections after submission till final publication, in various departments of the editorial office:

1. Internal Editorial Review: In the first step one section editor will evaluate the manuscript based on (i) Suitability with the aim and scope of the journal and (ii)  Manuscript structure as mentioned in manuscript preparation guidelines

2. External Peer Review: A manuscript that is accepted in step 1, is sent to one subject expert for their comments and suggestions as per the review parameters and policy as mentioned above.  

3. Revisions advise to authors: The manuscript that is accepted in step 2, will receive (i) Language correction advice (ii) a Peer-reviewed article file (iii) a Turnitin report (if it has issues) (iv) a Journal template and (v) Editorial advice.  

4. Final acceptance: After we receive the revised manuscript, the editor will evaluate the revised version, take the final decision, and communicate with the author. If necessary, authors may be asked to do a re-revision to fit with the quality standards of the journal.  

5. In the final stage of publication, the author will again receive a blueprint of the final galley for proofreading. After this manuscript is published and authors are informed by e-mail.   

Manuscript Review Parameters (Proudly inspired by Elsevier journals review policies)

All research manuscripts will be reviewed and edited based on the following parameters or standards. 

1. Do the title and abstract cover key aspects of the work, would it spark interest to the right audience?

2. Is the Introduction easy to follow for most readers of this particular journal? Does it cite the appropriate papers? Does it provide a hypothesis or aim of the study?

3. Does the Methods section provide enough details for the general reader to repeat the experiments?

4. If the reviewer skips the Methods, does the Results section give the right amount of detail to understand the essential particulars of the experiments?

5. Do the Results refer to the figures in a logical order? Do the numbers in the tables add up correctly? Are any figures/tables mislabeled or unclear?

6. Given the data that was obtained in this study, did the authors perform all the logical analyses? Did they include the proper controls?

7. Does the Discussion address the main findings, and does it give proper recognition to similar work in this field?

8. In general, is the paper easy to follow and does it have a logical flow? Are there any language issues?

9. Did the authors make all their data (e.g. sequence reads, code, questionnaires used) available for the readers?

10. Is this paper novel and an advancement of the field, or have other people done very similar work?

11. Does the paper raise any ethical concerns? Any suspicion of plagiarism (text or experiments), duplicated or tampered images, unethical animal experiments, or "dual use of research interest"?

Publication Probability Calculator

You can self-assess the publication probability of your manuscript here.  

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Authors retain the copyright without restrictions for their published content in this journal. HSSR is a SHERPA ROMEO Journal

Publishing License

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of  Creative Commons License

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