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Green chemistry involves the design and development of products and processes that minimize or eliminate the use and generation of chemicals hazardous to the environment and human health. The principles of green chemistry involve the development of green catalysts and use of non-toxic reagents.

Green chemistry emphasizes the use of reactions improved atom efficiency, use of solvent-free or environmentally benign recyclable solvent system and the use of renewable resources.

Nowadays, green chemistry plays a new paradigm in the field of agriculture. Sustainable agriculture and green chemistry are both revolutionary fields and intertwined. In the last few years, for sustainable production in agriculture use of renewable biomass resources increases to generate bio-based food products with low inputs, zero waste, substantial social values and minimizing environmental impact.

This article provides a good insight into green chemistry principles in sustainable agriculture.


green chemistry sustainable agriculture hazards developing countries

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How to Cite
BHANDARI, S. (2018). APPLICATIONS OF GREEN CHEMISTRY PRINCIPLES IN AGRICULTURE. Green Chemistry & Technology Letters, 4(2), 10–12.


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