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The objective of the study is to investigate into the roles of Corporate Social Responsibility towards the community development of Sohar.  This study critically analyzes the current practices of CSR in the selected companies at Sohar Port area, Oman.


The study was carried out with ten selected companies from Sohar Industrial Port area selected on a random sampling basis.  


The study has thrown light on the various activities of CSR carried out by the selected companies in the Al Batinah region of Sultanate of Oman.  The study reveals that the manufacturing companies have high inclination towards CSR programs than the other.

Practical Implications

Further the study shows that the selection of CSR activities by one company does not have any impact on any other company from the same area.  This will induce every company to come up with new CSR activities in to their manifold.

Social Implications

The study confirms that the selected companies play significant role through involving them in social responsibility activities resulting in sustained development of Sultanate of Oman.


No prior study has examined the CSR activities of the companies at Sohar Port, Oman. This study will pave a way to further scope of study on CSR activities of the companies of Oman.


Corporate Social Responsibility Sohar Industrial Port area Corporate Social Responsibility in Oman CSR Sustained Development Sustained Development of Oman

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How to Cite
Khan, D. M. F. R., & Al Mamari, M. A. S. (2016). CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) ACTIVITIES OF SELECTED COMPANIES AT SOHAR PORT, OMAN. International Journal of Management, Innovation & Entrepreneurial Research, 2(1), 01–12.


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