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Purpose: The present study aimed at investigating the relationship between knowledge management and psychological empowering with teachers' creativity in a descriptive correlational method in Isfahan in 2015.

Methodology: The statistical population included all teachers teaching at a 1st grade of boyish high schools of Isfahan city (774 teachers) out of which 256 persons were chosen through multi-steps accidental sampling using Corcoran method. Research instruments contained 3 questionnaires of knowledge management of Patrick and Sonia (2009) with 38 questions, questionnaire of psychological empowerment by Spritizer (1996) with 15 questions and creativity questionnaire of Tierney et al. (1999) having 9 questions based on Likert's 5-item scale. In order to examine the justifiability of questionnaires. Stability of this questionnaire was examined using Cronbach's Alpha, which was 0.90, 0.80and 0.83 for management, psychological empowerment, and creativity respectively. In order to analyze data, we used a descriptive statistic (frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation) and influential statistic (Pearson correlational coefficient, multi-step regression and variance analytic test).

Main Findings: Findings of this study showed that there exists a positive, meaningful relationship between two predicting a variable of knowledge management (r꞊ 0.382) and all its dimensions and also psychological empowerment (r꞊0.136) and its affectivity dimension with creativity.(p<0.05).

Implications: Results of this study can help education administrator to streamline teacher’s activity in higher education institutions.

Originality: This study is first of its kind in researching relationship between knowledge management and psychological empowerment with teachers' creativity in Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.


knowledge management psychological empowerment teachers' creativity Iran Islamic azad university

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How to Cite
Rafiee, M., & Khorasgani, N. S. (2018). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND PSYCHOLOGICAL EMPOWERMENT WITH TEACHERS’ CREATIVITY. International Journal of Management, Innovation & Entrepreneurial Research, 4(1), 05–11.


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