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Purpose: This study analyzed the empowerment of brick factory laborers, related to the relations of labors and employers in the production to marketing processes, problems faced by laborers, their potential, and the priority of empowerment programs for brick factory laborers.

Methodology: In collecting data, researchers used the method of observation, in-depth interviews, and focused group discussion as the primary data source, and the literature study method as a secondary data source. Researchers analyzed data with a qualitative approach. When the data collection took place, researchers began to analyze data until a certain time even though the time of data collection has been completed.

Findings: Three principal components are interrelated in brick production, namely: landowners, employers, and laborers. The employer rents land from the landowner and employs laborers to produce bricks. Between laborers and landowners do not have a direct employment relationship, because it is the employer who presents his work. In the case of labor and employer relations, laborers are in an exploited and alienated position, which leaves workers powerless. Several labor problems that occur in working relationships in brick factories are: labors get salaries not based on provincial minimum wages, labors do not have social protection, labors find it difficult to meet basic needs, weak legal protection, labors do not get holiday allowances, face dismissal problems, and it is hard to get jobs outside the brick factory. 

Implications: This research was beneficial to create the community of laborers in brick factories that were empowered, socially, economically, and politically.

Novelty: The laborers in brick factories can be empowered by developing an institutional organization of laborers, strengthening labor capacity through training, and opening access to ownership of production capital. 


Empowerment Labor Brick Factory Institutional Organization Training Capital

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How to Cite
Adam, S., & Botutihe, D. (2019). EMPOWERING LABORS IN BRICK FACTORIES: DEVELOPING INSTITUTIONAL ORGANIZATION, TRAINING, AND ACCESS TO CAPITAL. International Journal of Management, Innovation & Entrepreneurial Research, 5(2), 11–16.


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