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Objectives: This paper is aimed to study the transnational activity committed by Indonesian diaspora through the process of global framing as a way to influence the Indonesian political policies, namely, the rights of dual citizenship.

Methodology: This study uses a qualitative research method and the technique of interview, literature studies, and documentation data gathering. The use of multi-level strategy in transnational advocacy networks is utilised to find the patterns of network segmentation, where the multi-level strategy itself consists of the grassroots level, national to international level.   

Main Findings: The process of global framing by IDN Global have also showcased the input and the ongoing process, however, the output and the outcome are yet to come in the phases of initiation which then resulted in the formulation of initiatives on transnationalism long term goals and sustainability. The discourse of diaspora constitutes a new culture of Indonesia, thus several transformations that are conducted by the government aimed in empowering its diaspora requires a deeper process and further research..

Implication: In accordance to the transnational activities in the shape of global framing conducted by IDN Global in influencing Indonesian government policy shows input and ongoing processes, however, the output and overcome are yet in the process of initiation which resulted in the formulation of initiatives as an effort of a long term goal-oriented transnationalism.

Novelty/ Originality of the Study: This writing will explain how far the effort of transnationalism conducted by the IDN Global, have accommodated the various aspirations to political contestation inside of the congress.


Transnational Activities Global Framing Transnational Advocacy Networks IDN Global Indonesian Diaspora

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How to Cite
Safitri, D., Setiabudhi, W., & Sudirman, A. (2020). TRANSNATIONALISM OF INDONESIAN DIASPORA YOUTH: POLITICAL MOVEMENT THROUGH THE CONFERENCE OF INDONESIAN DIASPORA. International Journal of Management, Innovation & Entrepreneurial Research, 6(1), 44–50.


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