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Purpose of the Study: This study aims to identify food consumption behaviour at pre, during, and post-pandemic (possibility).

Methodology: This study uses a quantitative-based descriptive study approach to explain changes in consumer consumption patterns. Sampling was done by using probability sampling techniques or by a simple random sampling method. Electronic-questionnaire distribution was carried out through the WhatsApp broadcast message application to which 75 respondents responded. Meanwhile, a simple quantitative analysis method is used to calculate several formulas, including mean value, frequency distribution, and percentage.

Main Findings:  The results showed that health, social, and psychological factors influenced the respondent's food consumption behaviour. There are increasing organic food intentions and self-cooking trends. Besides, this study also shows an increasing awareness of the importance of aspects of health, quality, and food safety in choosing food.

Implication/Applications: This research can be used as a theoretical reference, especially related to the factors that influence eating behaviour during a pandemic. Also, the results of this research can be used by culinary businesses to design strategies to survive the Covid-19 pandemic by adjusting products, innovating, and improving product quality based on consumer needs.

The originality of the study: The paper is original, and this is the current study to examine the food consumption behavior of local communities in the pandemic issue.


Food Culinary Businesses Food Consumption Behavior Observational Study COVID-19 Pandemic

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How to Cite
Sandi Wachyuni, S., & Wiweka, K. (2020). THE CHANGES IN FOOD CONSUMPTION BEHAVIOR: A RAPID OBSERVATIONAL STUDY OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC. International Journal of Management, Innovation & Entrepreneurial Research, 6(2), 77–87.


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