Call for Book Review

Dear Researchers, Greetings from MGES Journals

A book review provides valuable insights and critical evaluation of a book, helping readers make informed decisions about what to read and offering authors feedback on their work. It serves as a guide, sparking discussions, expanding knowledge, and fostering a vibrant literary community.

We are delighted to invite you to contribute a book review within the journal's aim and scope.

You have the freedom to choose a book that has recently been published and aligns with your interests or expertise. Whether it's a groundbreaking study, a practical guide, or an inspiring memoir, your review will enable our readers to discover new ideas, gain valuable insights, and navigate the ever-evolving landscape of business and management.

One good book review is published at

We also recommend following book review guidelines suggested by the University of North Carolina.

Suggested Structure

The review should provide a concise summary of the book's content, accompanied by your critical evaluation. We encourage you to explore aspects such as the author's key insights, practical applications, and relevance to current trends and challenges in the subject. This review can be 800-1000 words long.

  1. Introduction (Book title and author, Genre or category of the book, Brief overview of the book's premise or main theme)
  2. Summary or Synopsis (Provide a concise summary of the book's plot or main ideas, Highlight key characters or events)
  3. Evaluation of Plot/Content (Discuss the strength and originality of the plot/idea, Analyze the pacing and structure of the book, and Evaluate the effectiveness of the storytelling techniques)
  4. Character Analysis (Assess the development and depth of the main characters/themes, Discuss their motivations, conflicts, and relationships, Highlight any memorable or relatable characters)
  5. Writing Style (Evaluate the author's writing style and prose, Comment on the use of language, imagery, and figurative devices, Discuss whether the writing enhanced or detracted from the reading experience)
  6. Themes and Messages (Identify the main themes or messages explored in the book, discuss how effectively the author conveyed these themes, and evaluate the relevance and impact of the themes on the reader
  7. Setting and Atmosphere (Describe the book's setting and its impact on the story (Discuss the atmosphere or mood created by the author, and evaluate the vividness and effectiveness of the descriptions)
  8. Strengths (Highlight the aspects of the book that were particularly well-executed. Discuss any unique or innovative elements that stood out)
  9. Weaknesses (Identify any weaknesses or areas where the book fell short. Discuss any inconsistencies or flaws in the storytelling)
  10. Overall Assessment and Recommendation (Provide a balanced assessment of the book, State your personal opinion and overall recommendation, consider the book's target audience and who might enjoy it)

Please note that these headings and subheadings are just suggestions. You can modify them to suit your specific review or the subject's requirements.

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at [[email protected] with the subject line Book Review]. We look forward to your positive response and the opportunity to publish your insightful book review.

Thank you for considering our invitation.

Warm Regards

Managing Editor