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Food waste within the hospitality’s restaurant operations contribute immensely to the global food wastes, and studies reveal that it contributes 45% of wastes through food preparation and production processes, 21% through food spoilage as a result of poor storage and 34% through food leavers as observed from customer plates. Further, research confirms that food wastage has directly resulted in the starvation of over 842 million people, with over 1.3 billion tons documented as food wastages, while substantial amounts of this food waste and losses taking place within the larger hospitality restaurant’s operations.

The factors influencing these food waste generation included; the type of service, the type of food served, the expected and actual numbers of customers, the season and the food service organization, which are addressed by this study in an attempt to propose ways of reducing food waste and losses, and hence promoting food security.

The study narrows down to the prevention solutions approach, which was employed on the basis of; menu design, portion choices and customized dishes, use of smaller plates during service, procuring optimized quantities, proper application of product specifications, and employment of waste tracking and analytics methodologies, which when appropriately applied in the restaurant food operations business will significantly reduce food waste and losses, and by extension global food insecurity.


food waste food security Restaurant Operations kenya food supply chain restaurant

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How to Cite
Were, S. O., Miricho, M. N., & Maranga, N. V. (2018). STUDY OF FOOD SECURITY THROUGH FOOD WASTE AND LOSS CONTROL MECHANISM IN KENYA. International Journal of Tourism & Hospitality Reviews, 5(1), 09–21.


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