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Purpose/Background: This paper provides a systematic review of previous articles, books, and online news with a specific focus on Muslim tourists’ experiential value, Islamic attributes, and halal tourist destinations.

Methodology: This paper reviews literature reviews of journal articles, conference proceedings, and books interrelated with the keywords and the research field.

Main Findings: The review findings suggest that tourists’ satisfaction is crucial in determining destination loyalty and the decision of revisiting certain destinations. Satisfaction should be used to assess the performance of destinations’ products and services as Muslim tourists may take into account the availability of facilities tailored to cater their religious and personal needs but they will feel most satisfied when performance exceeds necessities.

Application: The findings from this review will benefit those in the tourism-related industries and policymakers. The specific identification of certain elements influencing the Muslim tourists’ preferences would help the service providers to offer attractive packages that meet the tourist’ expectations.

Limitations: This paper has its limitations as the data was obtained from tourists visiting several locations in Bandung, Padang, and Lombok, Indonesia. To obtain generalized findings with regards to tourists’ views of the issue, a larger sampling is recommended.

Novelty/Originality: This paper is significant as it focuses on Halal tourism by highlighting Muslim experiential values in halal tourist destinations as previous studies were focused on products and shopping malls. Hence, information from this paper will provide more light on the importance of Islamic attributes on halal tourism and Muslim tourists’ intention to revisit the locations.


halal tourism islamic attributes indonesia muslim tourists Islamic environment

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