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Purpose: This study analyzed the cultural and natural potentials that become tourism destinations in Gorontalo Regency, related to the attractiveness and problems of tourism, as well as the strategy to realize domestic and foreign tourism destinations.

Methodology: This study used a qualitative approach with data collection methods through observation, in-depth interviews, documentation, and focused group discussions. Meanwhile, researchers analyzed data by organizing data, grouping data, and analyzing normatively.

Findings: Several tourism destinations in Gorontalo Regency are the Soekarno Landing Cultural Heritage House, Pentadio Resort, Limboto Lake, Embung Dumati, Bubohu Religious Tourism, Walima Emas Mosque, Dulanga Beach, and Taluhu Barakati. The tourism problems that exist are specific destinations in dirty conditions; infrastructure is minimal, the educational conditions of residents around tourism destinations are inadequate so that it affects the quality of service. Information on tourism destination objects to the public is still lacking and ineffective; access to roads and human resources managing tourism objects is inadequate. To make Gorontalo Regency a tourism destination, in addition to overcoming existing problems, the development of regional tourism potential is a necessity.

Implications: This research is beneficial, both for policymakers, especially the Gorontalo Regency Government, businesses related to tourism, and the local community. The results are expected to increase synergy between local governments, businesses, and local communities. For Local Governments, the results of this study are expected to be an input for formulating policies that can encourage the attractiveness of domestic and foreign tourists. As for the business, the results of this study are expected to be taken into consideration to increase business investment in the tourism sector. Meanwhile, for local communities, the results of this study are expected to encourage local communities to love their local resources and culture more for their sustainability.

Novelty: To realize a tourism destination both local and foreign, it is important to solve any problems that arise, as well as developing the existing regional tourism potential.


Cultural Resources Natural Resources Tourism Destinations Tourism Potential Tourism Problems Tourism Development

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How to Cite
Dewi Sery Yusuf, I., & Rostitawati, T. (2020). CULTURAL AND NATURAL RESOURCES AS A TOURISM DESTINATION IN GORONTALO REGENCY - INDONESIA: ITS POTENTIALS, PROBLEMS, AND DEVELOPMENT. International Journal of Tourism & Hospitality Reviews, 6(2), 01–07.


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