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Purpose: This research is exploring the prevailing motives of hoteliers to incorporate sustainable business operations and practices in the Down-South of Sri Lanka.

Methodology: The study was designed as a case study and a mixed-method approach was utilized to investigate the matter. Both quantitative and qualitative techniques were used to conclude.

Main findings: The study asserted that hotel operators in Sri Lanka were motivated to implement sustainable practices by different hidden motives. “To protect the resources, we depend on†was the main motivator for hoteliers to adopt sustainable business practices while “To enhance the reputation of the businessâ€, “To attract environmentally conscious marketâ€, “Personal values about sustainability†and “To attract potential saving benefits†were other prominent motives respectively to stimulate hoteliers for sustainable business operations.

The implication of the study: Since the country has gained tremendous tourism development in the post-war economy of Sri Lanka, the findings of this study will help the relevant tourism authorities, government, and other related stakeholders to set reliable policies & regulations to achieve a sustainable future.

The novelty of the study: Only a few attempts have been taken to investigate the motives of top management of organizations to implement sustainability practices in the Sri Lankan context, but no one has carried out any scientific investigation to find the motives of hoteliers to incorporate sustainability practices.


Motives Sustainability Hotel operations Business Practices Srilanka

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How to Cite
Wijesundara, N. (2022). Hidden Motives of Hoteliers to Incorporate with Sustainable Tourism Practices: A Case Study of Down-South of Sri Lanka. International Journal of Tourism & Hospitality Reviews, 9(2), 01–05.


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