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Soy protein based Nanoparticles were prepared via direct graft copolymerisation of soyprotein isolate (SPI)  with ethyl methacrylate at a temperature of 120◦c using benzoyl peroxide as a catalyst. The technique used here was emulsion polymerisation technique. The products obtained ie., the graft copolymer and the homopolymer Poly(ethyl methacrylate)(PEMA) were separated from the product mixture by dissolving the mixture using  chloroform in a separating funnel.

The separated graft copolymer in the emulsion form was then spreaded over a glass plate to make a nano plastic sheet and the sheet was allowed to dry for 24 hrs at room temperature to remove chloroform from it. FTIR study confirmed the grafting of SPI and PEMA. XRD studies confirmed the presence of nanoparticles. TG-DTA, Hydrolytic stability, chemical resistivity and water absorption of the sample were studied. Grafting efficiency and grafting percentage of the sample were calculated.


Nanoparticles Copolymerisation homopolymer emulsion

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How to Cite
Retna, A. M., & Sophia, A. (2016). PREPARATION OF SOYPROTEIN BASED NANOPARTICLE. Green Chemistry & Technology Letters, 2(1), 45–49.


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