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The autonomous car or the driverless car can be referred to as a robotic car in simple language. This car is capable of sensing the environment, navigating and fulfilling the human transportation capabilities without any human input. It is a big step in the advancing future technology. Autonomous cars sense their surroundings with cameras, radar, lidar, GPS and navigational paths. Advanced control systems interpret sensory information to keep track of their position even though the conditions change. The advantages of autonomous cars, such as fewer traffic collisions, increased reliability, increased roadway capacity, reduced traffic congestion as well as reduction of traffic police and care insurance, are compulsive for the development of autonomous car even though we have to overcome the issues of cyber security, software reliability, liability of damage and loss of driver related jobs. Autonomous cruise control or the Lane departure warning system and the Anti lock braking system (ABS) are the early steps. These steps though small are conclusive towards the progress in the direction of making the autonomous car. Companies such as Google, Volvo, Mercedes-Benz and Audi are the fore runners in making the autonomous car a reality. The development and expansion of the sector in Indian conditions is also worth considering. We strongly believe that the autonomous car will be a reality soon and be a necessity of life by overcoming the current obstacles, as human life needs to be secured by safe, efficient, cost effective and comfortable means of transport.

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How to Cite
Sule, S., Gupta, K., & Desai, V. (2015). AUTONOMOUS CARS: THE FUTURE OF ROADWAYS. International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management, 2(6), 203–206. Retrieved from


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