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In this paper, we review the erosivity studies conducted in Chitrakoot to verify the quality and representativeness of the results generated and to provide a greater understanding of the rainfall erosivity in Chitrakoot. We searched the Google Scholar databases and in recent journals and dissertations to obtain the following information: latitude, longitude, city, states, length of records (15-years from 1999 to 2013), precipitation (daily based), equations calculated and respective determination coefficient .

The daily rainfall erosivity in Chitrakoot ranged from 39.846 to 61.841 MJ mm/ha/h. Rainfall erosivity indices, based on intensity and the amount of rainfall, were computed for all precipitations. The lowest values were found in June and the highest values were found in the August in the Chitrakoot region. These equations can be useful to map rainfall erosivity for the entire area.  


daily maximum rainfall event rainfall intensity kinetic energy and rainfall erosivity

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How to Cite
Singh, K. N. (2016). Development of Single Rain Strom Erosivity Models for Chitrakoot Region. International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management, 4(1), 17–20.


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