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This paper involves the design and hardware implementation of control system required for “Magnetic levitation of transportation system.â€The maglev transportation system is more stable for levitation of vehicle by utilizing lead compensator.It is found that the designed system can suspend the medium of 250gms of object at a distance of about 10mm below the magnet surface while taking 1.2A of current through the magnets. Maglev systems are currently in use for applications such as bearings, high-speed trains, and manufacturing. With a streamlining of the high-precision maglev system, many unanticipated applications will develop for the future.


Levitation electromagnets magnetization Hall Effect lead compensator.

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How to Cite
Mane, P., & Mane, T. (2015). MAGNETIC LEVITATION TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM. International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management, 1(1), 72–81. Retrieved from


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