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Leslie Hart (1983) argues that teaching without an awareness of how the brain learns is like designing a glove with no sense of what a hand looks like. If classrooms are to be ‘places of learning’, than Brain ‘the organ of learning’ must be understood and accommodated. From this perspective the Brain will be increasingly relevant for thinking about educational practices. Owing to this, continuous efforts give rise to Brain based learning. It is nothing, but teaching based on brain research, which depends on the 12 core Brain/mind learning principles (Caine & Caine, 2002), derived by various neurological researches. The present study has employed Quasi Experimental design with comparison groups following pre-test/ post-test method. The main objective of the study was to apply Brain/mind learning principles in developing Brain targeted teaching Module in Biology for secondary school students and to test their effectiveness in classroom through experimental try out. Sample for this study will consists of 65 8th grade students from a CBSE affiliated school in Agra city. The school was selected purposively and the students are distributed in two comparable matched groups on their previous academic achievement. Further Mann Whitney U test, (Non Parametric Statistics) was used for analysing and interpreting the data. On the basis of the literature survey the result of the present study in Indian context is expected to be highly significant and beneficial for students as well as teachers, as this is a Neurological approach of learning catering effectively each dimensions of it, which suits most to the designing of human brain at work in classrooms.


Brain based learning Neurology Brain-Mind Learning Principles.

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How to Cite
Vyas, K., & Vashishtha, K. C. (2015). EFFECTIVENESS OF TEACHING BASED ON BRAIN RESEARCH WITH REFERENCE TO ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS. International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management, 1(4), 383–397. Retrieved from


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