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Everyday out of the blue, the MBA factories are conceiving and developing new strategies for survival, growth and dominance. Undoubtedly, it’s an age-old fact that recession or no recession, the Indian job market has always been bullish. In the present fragile economy, it becomes more relevant for the management varsities to have the 'locus of control' on multiplication and not addition, viz. entrepreneurship in lieu of the conventional one-to-one student’s placements. Its high time now that the B-schools should take initiatives towards grooming wealth creators rather than creating job seekers. They need to stop bragging and competing about the average salaries their students are commanding and start to teach and encourage them about the values of wealth creation and entrepreneurship. They should start celebrating their alumni of entrepreneurs and make them involved in the process of grooming new entrepreneurs of their students.

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How to Cite
Ghosh, S. (2015). SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST ‘ENTREPRENEURIAL’ B-SCHOOL. International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management, 1(4), 465–466. Retrieved from