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In today’s society, robots have become an indispensible part of human life. With more than 12000 hospitals, curing the health of billion plus Indian population, the problem of medical wastage disposal is a growing concern. To overcome shortcomings/inconsistency of assistance in medication, problem of medical wastage disposal and humans getting affected, we have attempted to build our project "Robovantri , a medical robotic assistant, specially designed to aid the Indian hospital conditions. We aim for overcoming shortage of nursing staff, segregation, recycling, disposal of medical waste, a floor-wise robotic control system that can operate multiple controllable robots, for storing the patients' medical history and also to overcome nursing problems in unreachable rural areas. The robot uses signboards placed at various critical points in the hospital for deciding the best possible pathway to reach its destination. We are implementing this using image processing in MATLAB.


CSSD robotic assistant Zigbee.

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How to Cite
Jha, B., Desai, G., D’Silva, K., & Joseph, J. (2015). ROBOVANTRI. International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management, 1(4), 467–477. Retrieved from


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