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AIDS is the most significant threat to the human race in the modern era. In 2013, the world registered 2.3 million new HIV infections, and while in some countries the number of people living with HIV is actually increasing, this can be taken as a good sign. The aim of this study was to assess the level of depression among HIV Patients. Sampling technique that was used for the selection of the sample in this case was convenience sampling based on inclusion and exclusion criteria with the sample size was 50. The research instruments are questionnaire method. Collected data were statistically analyzed through descriptive statistics and inferential statistics and also findings could be useful for the Patients to know their level of depression and they can take up necessary and sufficient practices to reduce their level of depression.


level of depression HIV/AIDS Depression.

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How to Cite
Natarajan, G. (2015). A STUDY TO ASSESS THE LEVEL OF DEPRESSION IN PATIENTS WITH HIV INFECTION BY USING MODIFIED BECK DEPRESSION INVENTORY AT NAMAKKA. International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management, 3(3), 305–306.


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