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This paper deals with designing an automatic traffic control  system which works on principle of TRAFFIC DENSITY monitored by  Sensors on each side which provides direct information to microcontroller  which rerforms decision making to allow traffic based on density. The three density zones are low, medium and high. In each zone an ad hoc sensor is placed. Each sensor will check the presence of the vehicle in the zone using infrared technology and then ad hoc sensor sends the data to master ad hoc. To locate the sensor, each sensor of different zone is addressed by user and that address is fed to the master ad hoc sensor. This master ad hoc sensor will arrange the data from various sensors in an 8 bit data format. It then performs the required processing to determine the green signal time for each side. It has an exceptional system for high priority vehicles like ambulance, as it senses the direction of arrival of these vehicles and gives a green corridor. The main advantage over conventional system is that a side with heavy traffic doesn’t have to wait unreasonably while a side with no/less traffic gets an equal  amount of time as that of heavy traffic side which is irascible. This is an improved system based on preference for urgency/density of traffic. This can prove useful in especially Junctions of importance, thereby mediating traffic flow correctly.


AD-HOC wireless network Intel 8051 MC Intel 8255 Interfacing Sound Sensor Traffic density

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How to Cite
Henderson, J. I., & Aravind, M. (2015). Intelligent Traffic Control System Using Ad-Hoc Wireless sensor Systems. International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management, 3(4), 333–335.


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