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Mylar-Turbine Electric Generator (MTEG) that utilize solar energy to generate electricity. The resulting designs are cost efficient and can be used as an alternative for solar panel. The energy producing efficiency of MTEG is higher than conventional solar panel. The setup requires less area and is easily mobile. It consists of three main components Mylar parabolic reflector, steam turbine and electric generator. Mylar parabolic reflector is used to concentrate the solar rays on the water tank, the steam generated from this water is used to run the turbine which generates electricity. The idea behind this concept is to provide affordable electric generator to the people living in rural areas.MTEG is an eco-friendly idea and a leading innovation to the future.


Mylar Parabolic Reflector Boiler Steam Turbine Electric Generator.

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How to Cite
Chavan, N., Anchan, S., & Jadhav, S. (2015). MTEG (Mylar and Turbine Electric Generator). International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management, 3(5), 382–385.


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