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Purpose: As a result of a sudden spreading of an epidemic novel virus, scientifically named COVID-19, this paper has been done to present a contribution towards fighting this virus in Iraq. 

Methodology: This investigation is focusing on constructing an engineering mathematical model based on the Suspected, Infected, and Recovered model (SIR), given by Kermack and McKendrick. 

Main Findings: Iraqi people are facing and suffering from this COVID-19. Three governorates occupying the locally highest infection levels, plus the world's highest deaths to infected cases ratio of about 11%, are Baghdad, Sulaimani, and Karbala. 

Implications: It is showed that the Reproduction ratio R0)K is positive (greater than 1) in the three nominated zones, which means that the epidemic disease will keep spreading in a broad manner and depending on many specific factors. Many effective recommendations are presented to avoid spreading this novel virus via many techniques. 

Novelty: SIR model is used to assess epidemic levels in 3 zones. 


Corona Virus COVID-19 Communicable Diseases Mathematical Modelling Iraq

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How to Cite
Hussein, E. K., Gaaz, T. S., Subhi, K. A., Ghouali, S., & Guellil, M. S. (2021). ENGINEERING MATHEMATICAL MODELLING OF CORONA VIRUS (COVID-19) TRANSMISSION IN IRAQ. International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management, 9(3), 01–14.


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