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Purpose of the study: The change of climate due to global warming has become a burning problem throughout the world. India is a country where global warming causes a concern to the scientists. Unrestricted emission of different green house gases mainly carbon dioxide is responsible for this alarming situation. This paper develops a state-wise nonlinear emission model of carbon dioxide, an important green house gas.

Methodology: Non linear least-square and regression analysis method used to explain the emission of the gas.

Main Findings: The short term and long-term forecast of carbon dioxide emission trend in the states are presented.

Applications of this study: Model is used in the states of Gujarat, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh of India.

Novelty/Originality of this study: Future prediction of emission of CO2 may be evaluated from our proposed model. This paper may be helpful for the future researchers for finding emission of CO2 and other GHGs for the remaining states in India.


Carbon-dioxide Least Square Method Coefficient of Determination Residual Analysis Regression Sum of Square Residual Sum of Square Green House Gases

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How to Cite
Dubey, O. P., Lal, A. K., Mondal, K., & Singh, U. (2023). A Statistical Evolutionary Analysis and Prediction of Carbon-dioxide Emission in Gujarat, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh of India. International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management, 11(2), 01–08.


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