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Purpose of the study: This study aims to determine the different tour guide practices and challenges in the Province of Quirino.

Methodology: This study uses the quantitative approach. Data collection techniques were interviews and questionnaires that were measured using a Likert scale. The questionnaire was distributed to 22 respondents who were tour guides of the different tourist destinations in the province. The data were analysed using SPSS with the Frequency Counts/ Percentage, Mean and F-test (ANOVA) as statistical tools.

Main Findings: The results of this study indicated most of the respondents are male. The tour guiding practices and the challenges in the province of Quirino is “Strongly Agree†when grouped by sex, age and ethnic affiliation. There is no significant difference on the tour guiding practices among the tour guides in the province of Quirino when grouped by sex and ethnic affiliation.

Implications: The ability of tour guides to provide exceptional service to tourists is crucial not just to the business's profitability, but also to the destination's reputation. As per recommended there should be an established system of on-gong training and assessment to maintain high standards in performance of tour guides. The provincial tourism should continue to improve their services especially more trainings and seminars will be given to the accredited tour guides in the province of Quirino. For a profession that was shifting to maintain its relevance in a world of apps and self-guided tours, this is another change that requires adaptation.

Originality: The study is original and novel, it explored the practices and challenges encountered by tour guides in our province.


Challenges Ecotourism Praxis Tourism Tour Guides

Article Details

Author Biography

Jonathan N. Tariga, College of Hospitality Industry Management, Quirino State University, Diffun, Quirino, Philippines

Associate Professor

How to Cite
C. Erana, P. L.-L. ., Tariga, J. N., & Baguilat, L. G. R. (2021). Praxis and challenges of Tour guides in Quirino province, Philippines. International Journal of Tourism & Hospitality Reviews, 8(2), 08–18.


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