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At present, intelligent automation has stepped its presence in every field all over the world. This paper is an intelligent automation for issuing the demand drafts in automated way. In present scenario, demand draft was taken manually. Without the help of human source, it is highly impossible to take DD. To take DD the customer has to go for bank and wait for an hour. Initially the customer will be provided DD form, after filling the complete details it will be forwarded to the next level, this process is followed in existing system and DD will be taken only on bank working hours. In order to overcome such kind of difficulties an idea is introduced which allows the customer to take DD automatically. To make the work easier, faster and automated a domain called embedded system is used. In this automated system, the customer has to insert their currency in the rupee slot and have to wait for few seconds to accept it. Then within next few seconds they have to feed the required details in the PC instead of writing in a form. This is then generated and the sum of amount which has been inserted will be added in the softcopy. Then they have to verify once and have to give print .Thus the Demand Draft will be generated in few seconds instead of standing for hours. Thus, this system eliminates the drawbacks of the existing set-up. It is placed in the bank branches similar to that of ATM. In proposed system, image processing is used to count the currency. With this automation, issuing of demand draft is made easier by feeding the inputs in the input module. In our project we designed the hardware for taking the currency notes from the input slot and software is designed to generate the demand draft. The objective of this project is to design a simple, easy to install, microcontroller-based circuit to control and PC or laptop interface for generating the demand draft.


Demand draft DD Currency Cash counter Laptop Microcontroller Matlab Labview Webcam Image processing

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How to Cite
Suganya, B., & Devi, K. S. (2015). Automatic Demand Draft Withdrawal Machine Using Micro controller. International Journal of Students’ Research in Technology & Management, 2(2), 47–52. Retrieved from


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